Est. 1918

​Rooted in our town for 105 years

We welcome guests to all of our meetings with no fee!

Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month, February through October (excluding August). February and March we meet online using ZOOM.  Guests/visitors can contact Cindy Scythes at for meeting details.

In person meetings are at the Royal Canadian Legion in Aurora from April to October.  The legion is located at 105 Industrial Pkwy N, Aurora, please use entrance at the rear of the building entering on the lower level meeting space.
Doors open at 7pm for in-person connection, meeting starts at 8 p.m.

Annual Membership Fees:
Single $25.   Family $30.

Membership Benefits

Join Us

Member Handbook - members receive our Handbook
Flower Competition - eligibility to enter
Annual Photo Competition - eligibility to enter
Refreshments - Coffee, tea and treats are available at each meeting (in person meetings only)
Discounts - 9 established discounts with nurseries and other horticulture related vendors
Awards Banquet - end of year social (upon return to our regular meeting practices)
Voting Eligibility - your say in how our Society will run for its members and the OHA (Ontario Horticultural Association)

Members' Events

Flower Competitions
Society members only are eligible to enter into our flower competitions.
Starting April, we will have flower shows monthly.
Horticultural Specimens (Cut Flowers)
Entry of cut flowers grown by the member
Categories of entries are detailed in the members' Handbook 
May enter only one specimen per category

Design Competition - Themed Categories
Entry of arrangements created by the member
May use any materials grown or purchased, with minimal use of accessories
Use of an appropriate container to complement design in theme, colour and scale (size)
Judging follows the 2019 Ontario Judging Exhibiting Standards (copy available for purchase as meetings)

Local Area & National Flower Competitions
Members may participate in local and national level Horticultural and Design Competitions
If interested please talk to one of our Directors for assistance

Annual Photo Competition
For members who enjoy photography, each year has multiple different categories for inspiration

See the member handbook for details, rules of the competition and the class 'Themes'.